172 | The Bible…Not Literally | Michele McGrath, Dale Luffman and John Hamer

Join Carla as she welcomes Michele McGrath, Dale Luffman, and John Hamer to talk about Biblical literalism. The panel is responding to the following Facebook post from Matt Frizzell where he talked about Ancient vs. Modern understanding of words and truth.

“Ancient vs Modern Understanding of Words & Truth: Modern people can’t imagine a world without science. Science inaugurated a new understanding of the relationship between “words” and “truth” than the medieval world. In the medieval word, words and truth were dictated by authority. After science, words are used to tell “literal truths” because the truth of words in science is objective. They are not limited to traditional authority, but objective authority because empiricism is based on evidence. Modern Fundamental and Evangelical theologies use an odd mix of “literal” truth and authority of the bible without any historical consciousness of what they are doing.”

Also mentioned,
Community of Christ’s Statement on Scripture

Host: Carla Long
Guest: Michele McGrath, Dale Luffman, and John Hamer

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